How do parrots live up to 80 years with such a fast metabolism? What are the names of plants which reproduce sexually? Describe the reproductive system of a ladybug. What makes monotremes the unique mammals that they are? How does Wolbachia manipulate the reproduction of its insect host? Pr...
How do fish and amphibians reproduce? How are fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals related? What reptiles and amphibians can live together? How are amphibians and reptiles the same? How are amphibians different from fish and reptiles? How are mammals distinct from reptiles? How are fish, amphi...
While only occurring once a year, it can be difficult finding the time to commit to an annual physical with your primary care doctor. What's more, if you do not have health insurance, it can be difficult justifying spending the money on a visit if you don't necessarily feel unwell. A ...
In humans and most other mammals, plus some insects, females have two of the same sex chromosome (XX) while males have one of each (XY). Chickens and some other birds, some reptiles, and some insects are the other way around with their ZW system. Males are ZZ while females are ZW. ...
In placental mammals, the gene SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) is a key factor that determines the forma- tion of testes (the Testis Determining Factor, TDF) and is located on the Y chromosome5,6. In most placental mammals, the X and Y chromosomes contain short homologous regions (...
Horses are mammals, and like all other mammals they have a reproductive cycle. But what happens during this cycle? What triggers it? And how long are horses pregnant for? They are larger than humans, so it makes sense that their gestation is longer than ours – but it is a surprisingly...
In mammals, female reproductive output is limited by the number of offspring that can be produced in a single reproductive cycle as well as by the length and energy requirements of gestation and lactation periods. Males, on the other hand, may, hypothetically, sire an almost unlimited number of...
Whales are mammals, just like us, and more than 50 million years ago, their ancestors walked on land as we do. It's not clear what these animals were like, but some paleontologists believe they may have been hoofed mammals, something like modern cows. Other paleontologists believe that whale...
How do wasps reproduce? As the nest reaches its maximum size towards the end of summer/beginning of autumn, the queen will lay queen eggs and drone (unfertilized) eggs. Each nest will produce around 1000/1500 new queens. Once these eggs have been laid, the existing queen will not lay ...
Oviparous species frequently reproduce during spring and summer months (Fitch, 1982, Vitt, 2015), while for some viviparous lizards, gametogenesis, ovulation and mating occur in autumn and births during spring, representative of an autumn reproductive cycle (Guillette and Casas-Andreu, 1980, ...