We do know that they form inside supercells, huge storm clouds that reach up to the stratosphere (an altitude of six miles). Within a supercell, massive quantities of air flow in an updraft. If the horizontal air movement within the supercell is flowing in different directions (wind shear)...
Reflected light - Reflected light, usually in the form of glare (see explanation above), is light that has bounced off a reflective object to enter your eyes. Just like direct light, strong reflected light can make it difficult to perceive the details or directly view an object. Snow, water...
Reflected light - Reflected light, usually in the form of glare (see explanation above), is light that has bounced off a reflective object to enter your eyes. Just like direct light, strong reflected light can make it difficult to perceive the details or directly view an object. Snow, water...
The Washington Monument’s tough marble wouldn’t ever catch fire, but repeated strikes would likely damage the structure, and repairing the narrow apex of a 550-foot-tall obelisk is a costly and dangerous job no one wants to have to do. ...
Lightning is a meteorological phenomenon involving the transfer of electricity between areas of a cloud or between a cloud and the ground. A bolt of lightning typically involves around 300 million volts and 30,000 amps of electricity, with a temperature around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit....
What causes lightning and thunder? How does soil contamination occur? What causes wedge tornadoes? What makes a house earthquake proof? Why do earthquakes produce seismic waves? How do wedge tornadoes form? Why do earthquakes often happen around the Ring of Fire? How did the Alleghanian orogeny...
You may be able to repair drywall yourself. Here's how to do it and how much it costs How to Repair Drywall Drywall is relatively easy to fix, and in many cases, you may even be able to repair it yourself. Drywall is a commonly used material in residential construction. And while it...
stated unabashedly that "the third reason we were there [in Afghanistan] is because there are 20 million Uyghurs [in Xinjiang]. The CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it to foment unrest and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese in...
When drought strikes, they transform into tiny tubers to ride it out. The prolific and varied blooms of Utricularia can look like miniature orchids, irises, pea blossoms or buttons. Some of the 214 known species even have free-form blooms that can't be likened to anything particular [source...
“A lightning ‘side flash’ also kills a tremendous portion of people,” Cooper said. “That’s where lightning travels down a tree and sideways where a person might be standing.” After lightning strikes The surge of electricity from a lightning strike can wreak havoc on a person’s heart...