sturdy(stɜːʳdi)形容词:结实的,不易坏的柯林斯英语释义:Someone or something that is sturdy looks strong and is unlikely to be easily injured or damaged.knock oneself out:[美式]去试一试吧韦氏词典英语释义:used to tell someone to go ahead and do something例句:- Do you mind if I use t...
Many judges want to see remorse in the courtroom, and are often confident that they know it when they see it. But, at the same time, as we shall see, many judges also want evidence of the offender's remorse outside the courtroom....
How to Become a Judge How do you become a judge? The following sections outline the steps one must take to become a judge. Step 1: Attend Undergraduate School Do judges have to be lawyers? Usually yes, and most aspiring judges can prepare for careers in law during undergraduate school. No...
According to Jordan, analytical skills are necessary for success in forensic science. In addition, because forensic scientists often serve as expert witnesses in criminal and civil court cases and frequently testify before judges and juries, they must be eloquent enough to "pre...
What Do Judges Want? How Judges Think. By Richard A. Posner. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008. 386 pages. $29.95.of rulemaking, the judiciary commonly gets it "wrong." 193 Judge Posner has ...
The nullification of social structure is categorized as a passive process as opposed to active process because the subject typically "immediately" or "automatically" judges, often on the grounds of usefulness/uselessness, that further knowledge of a given social structure is without value. For ...
We discuss a central question in the study of courts: What do judges want? We suggest three different domains that might serve as the basic preferences of a judge: case dispositions and rules, caseloads and case mixes, and social consequences. We emphasi
Lawyers and judges are also good resources for finding jobs as court reporters. They can lead you in the right direction for a courtroom or law-related business that needs your services. Education for Court Reporters When attending school as a court reporter, the training typically leads to a ...
还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Studyguide for How Do Judges Decide? by Cassia Spohn, ISBN 9781412961042的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Studyguide for How Do...
HOW DO JUDGES THINK?An essay is presented on how judges in America think, focusing on judicial power and judicial decision-making in the U.S., as well as information about a mandate of consistency in relation to the writing of judicial opinions. The personalities and psychological traits of ...