Purim, like so many other Jewish holidays, commemorates a historical event, the victory of the Jews of Persia over the evil Haman. However, the celebration of Purim is unlike any other. The normally staid atmosphere in the synagogue becomes a festival of joy. It is loud and raucus and no...
Easter is based on the lunar cycles of the Jewish calendar. In the Christian religion, the Last Supper (the final meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his crucifixion) was a Passover feast. Because Easter is based on a lunar month (which is 29.5 days), the date of Easter can vary...
“We can’t celebrate our freedom because we don’t have this freedom. Our brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers are still in captivity, and we need to release them,” Gat said. Advertisement On Monday, Jews around the world will begin celebrating the ...
In New Testament times, the Christian church celebrated Easter when the Jews observed Passover. By the middle of the second century, Easter was celebrated on the Sunday after Passover. The Council of Nicaea decided in 325 A.D. that all churches should celebrate it together on a Sunday. The...
and socially by some secret group, but also feeling an optimistic sense that if we can overcome that group, I can wake up into my true self and into being conscious and filled with light and the world will be transformed in a way that ultimately is going to be something to celebrate. ...
In the Passover spirit of making the most of the time and resources you have under difficult circumstances — the holiday's main edible symbol, a cracker-like bread called matzah, stands for exactly this — some Jews are turning to another object of necessity to celebrate the holiday this ye...
Why did Jesus celebrate the Last Supper? How was ancient Assyria described in the Bible? Why did Jesus heal the man with leprosy in the Bible? How did the Apostle Paul die? Was Jesus Christ a Gnostic? How many days before the Crucifixion was the Last Supper? What does leprosy symbolize ...
But Jews were relative latecomers to the global conspiracy theories that formed the basis of Nazism, and that they still feature in so largely today. The person who gave American anti-Semitism its biggest platform ever was the industrialist Henry Ford. “There is a race, a part...
How do Jews celebrate Shavuot? Why is Rosh Hashanah important? What do you say on Rosh Hashanah? Why is Rosh Hashanah the New Year? How to celebrate Shabbat How is Passover celebrated? How to celebrate Purim When is Rosh Hashanah on the Jewish calendar? When is Rosh Hashanah on the Hebre...
The seven day holiday originates from the Book of Leviticus, in which God instructs Moses “You shall live in booths seven days.” Today, adherents celebrate