How do Jews celebrate Shavuot?Shavuot:At the end of Passover in the spring, Jews begin to count the Omer, a 49 day period until the holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot commemorates the Jewish people's time at Mount Sinai and the giving of the ten commandments and lasts for two days....
TheEtrog (citron fruit), Lulav (frond of date palm) Hadass (myrtle bough)and Aravah (willow branch) – are the four species the Jewish people are commanded to bind together and wave in the sukkah, a temporary booth constructed for use during the week-long festival of Sukkot. How to Cel...
“We can’t celebrate our freedom because we don’t have this freedom. Our brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers are still in captivity, and we need to release them,” Gat said. Advertisement On Monday, Jews around the world will begin celebrating the ...
Hanukkah is a festival celebrated every year by people of the Jewish faith. In this lesson, learn about the history of this holiday, and discover traditions and ways that people celebrate this Feast of Lights. Related to this Question
For easy prep, cook a pared-down Passover meal Passover is like the Thanksgiving of Jewish holiday meals — people tend to pull out all the stops to impress family and friends. But while you want your Seder to be festive and delicious, a simpler meal can be just as wonderful. Instead...
In the Passover spirit of making the most of the time and resources you have under difficult circumstances — the holiday's main edible symbol, a cracker-like bread called matzah, stands for exactly this — some Jews are turning to another object of necessity to celebrate the holiday this ye...
What Do I Do When God Seems Absent? (A Bible Study on John 11) January 20, 2025 - 23 min Today, we're digging into a story of grief and joy in John 11, the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. We'll see the profound ways in which Jesus interacts with individuals expe...
7). He refers to Jesus as the “paschal lamb” sacrificed for his people’s salvation. Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples during Passover, so it makes sense that the Feast of the Resurrection is connected with the Jewish holiday. Today, Christians celebrate the “Paschal ...
The whole structure of Joshua 1-6 replays the exodus in reverse. In the exodus, Egypt is first destroyed, then the Israelites cross the Red Sea, and then the Israelites celebrate Passover. In the conquest, the Israelites first celebrate Passover, then they cross the Jordan, and then Jericho...
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