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So how do they do it?Although they have no central brain, jellyfish do have a nervous system(神经系统). It's made of four main parts that look like hanging strings(绳子). Each part has about 1,000 neurons(神经元)and six “simple” eyes. This lets them see and avoid things and ...
Though jellyfish do not have a brain, they areincredibly smart and adaptable. For more than 500 million years, they've been bobbing around almost all the world's oceans, both close to the water surface as well as in depths of up 700 meters. The jellyfish is the world's oldest animal....
This unit study, like all of our ever-growing library of unit studies, takes one big topic—like “The Human Body”—and breaks it down into 10 manageable, bite-sized, learning opportunities. Perhaps you do one area per day, perhaps one per week. Whatever suits your fancy! You can learn...
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How Jellyfish Work How do stingrays kill? More Great Links MarineBio: Mimic Octopus Animal Planet: Octopus PBS Nature: The Octopus Show Sources Butvill, David Brian. "The Changeling." Current Science. Oct. 7, 2005. Hanlon, Roger T.; Conroy, Lou-Anne; and Forsythe, John W. "Mimicry and...
All we have to do is focus attention inward and set intention to manifest. From a larger perspective, the white light is an illusion as everything is a part of us and we are a part of everything. The nature of reality is holographic. It is consciousness, awareness. Consciousness manifest...
Biologically Covid still exists in the world and most of us would rather not catch it. But if you’re vaccinated, the risk of getting seriously ill is much lower, so it’s reasonable to make plans to resume normal life. When enough people d...
Our new course might be a big help to you if you need English for your work, or if you're studying in English, or if you're planning to visit or even live in the UK. The British government expects immigrants to reach E...
two species that have an outsized presence for their small amount of screen time: Elcor and Hanar. Elcor are massive quadrupeds who must announce their emotional state because their tone and body language are too subtle for other species to detect, while Hanar are hovering space jellyfish. ...