According to Catholic tradition, the Christmas tree,l’albero di Natale, should be made on December 8th, the day of theImmacolata Concezione(Immaculate Conception). However, some people wait until December 22 to get their fake trees out of the garage and decorate them in their living rooms. ...
Christmas Traditions in China: The small number of Christians in China call Christmas Sheng Dan Jieh, which means Holy Birth Festival. They decorate their homes with evergreens, posters, and bright paper chains. Families put up a Christmas tree called a "tree of light" and decorate it with be...
Italy: Like the Vietnamese, Italians wear new clothes to ring in the New Year. As with the Russians, it’s a time for presents, with each gift (things like honey, gold, money, and lamps) symbolizing something specific for the receiver. The gifts are serious business! Japan- In Japan...