A: This is a great philosophical question and the answer all depends on how you define "alive." We don't usually say somethingis alive unless it can at least grow or reproduce or metabolize. While atoms can join together to form beings that do these things, individual atoms do not. How...
Thermonuclear fusion creates a hot plasma— a state of matter formed of ions and electrons rather than the electrically neutral atoms that are found in gas — that can be confined, for example, by magnetic fields in a device called a tokamak, and the pressure in the plasma becomes so great...
Most atoms and molecules we encounter are electrically neutral, but ions play an important part in nature. These charged atoms can be positively charged cations or negatively charged anions. Cations and Anions form in different ways. For cations, the loss of an electron leaves them with a net ...
We addressed the oxygen’s role in oxidation and corrosion via O-containing ions, excluding dissolved gases, i.e. O2 and H2. This is to prevent the dominance of H and O evolution from water electrolysis outside of the stable region of water (indicated by the dashed lines in Fig. 5). ...
How do ionic bonds form crystals? What happens to electrons in ionic bonds? How do ions form ionic bonds? What types of atoms are involved in ionic bonds? Explain whether nitrogen atoms will form bonds with other atoms Describe the bond that holds the atoms in a water molecule ...
What causes a chemical bond to form between atoms? Why do ions form covalent bonds (polyatomic ions) if they already have complete valence shells due to their ionizing? How do electrons behave in a metallic bond? Do ionic bonds have delocalized electrons?
2.3HowAtomsFormIonsElementsaremadeupofthesametypeof___or___Whenatomsjointogethertheyform___ NotallatomsjointoformmoleculesTheymaybefoundontheirowni.e.Iron(Fe)Tin(Sn)Neon(Ne) Butthevastmajorityofatomsdocombinewith___i.e.oxygengas(O2)Nitrogengas(N2)Ordifferentatomsi.e.water(H2O)ammonia(NH3)This...
Electrolyte-filled subnanometre pores exhibit exciting physics and play an increasingly important role in science and technology. In supercapacitors, for instance, ultranarrow pores provide excellent capacitive characteristics. However, ions experience d
2.8 Metal–Thiol Dative Bonds. Thiol-containing molecules can interact with metal ions and metal surfaces to form dative bonds. Dative bonds are also known as coordinatecovalent bonds. Is methionine a thiol? Methionine, an essential amino acid, is one of the two sulfur-containing amino acids. ...
OK, so when a cell is in the RMP stage, sodium and potassium ions are both present on either side of the membrane. Cool beans. But — how do they cross the barrier? How does an ion enter or exit a cell? Well, that’s whereion channelscome in. As the name implies, these are ch...