how do you say "help me" in japanese 这个在 日语 里怎么说? how can I say " idiot " in Japanese 这个在 日语 里怎么说? 瞩目的提问 Show more 下記の答えは正しいですか。 (1)日本の学生は___のとき外国語の勉 強を始めます。 1. 小学校 2. ようちえん 3. 中学校 4. 大学1.小...
よいこらせの意味は何ですか。 这个在 日语 里怎么说? please never lose your spark and always keep smiling! i love you, happy birthday my lovely (name)... How do you say this in Japanese? how do i say "I can read very well" and does this sentence make... 根据客户的意见修改了一些...
Japanese writing isn’t that bad. It does take practice, but it’s fun to write! It’s a beautiful script. So, don’t believe the old ideology that “three different writing systems will take thousands of hours to learn!” A different writing system shouldn’t scare you off. Each writi...
How do you say "How are you" in Japanese? sunimasen! how to say " i love you" in japanese? How would you translate "must surely not ~" into Japanese? How do you write "That's not it." in Japanese? If you could write the answer in Hiragana, that wo... 瞩目...
ninaamalina28 2018年3月31日 英语(英国) 马来语 日语 韩语 关于日语 的问题 how do you say "nothing special" in Japanese in an informal way? is it "tokobetsu nai"? how do you write it in Japanese? 这个在 日语 里怎么说? 查看翻译 ...
If you use vertical writing, you should use 四時. But if you write in horizontal writing, using 4時 is better. (because of Japanese grammar) But most Japanese people don’t care about which you use. I think 4時 is more popular because it’s easy to write
If not, how do I say it?? Thanks deepbluesky0330 3 10월 2016 답변 일본어 @Christo: "I sing this song only for Japanese.",we would say "私は日本人のためだけにこの歌を歌います。" Like this, you can express "Only for Japanese" by putting proper noun and verb into ...
When we, Japanese are surprised too much, we say えええええええええええええーーっ?! in Japanese, pronuncing like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!. I think you might see they say in japanese animation or something.How do you subtitle in your english if you have to translate?