How do I trademark a name and logo? Research your mark to make sure it is not already in use. Apply for the trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). Draft your application and submit it to the USPTO.
How do I trademark a name and logo? Research your mark to make sure it is not already in use. Apply for the trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO). Draft your application and submit it to the USPTO.
A trademark could be a word, phrase, tagline, or logo associated with your product or service. Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to identify your product or service with that name or tagline, informs everyone that you own that trademark, and legally bars others from using it or ...
You’ve likely put a lot of time, energy, and money into your brand. The last thing you want is for others to leverage your hard work for their own benefit by using your company name or logo to deceive customers. Fortunately, knowing how to trademark a name can help preventyour brand’...
This isn’t a bad idea, if you want to take this route. When you’re ready to register, the steps below will show you how to do so in the United States. For other territories, you may need to conduct some more research. Step 1: Consider Hiring a Trademark Attorney ...
How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
If you do all your due diligence, the chances of that happening will be lower, but it's always a possibility nonetheless. Why Would My Trademark Get Rejected? Now you might be wondering, "Why would the USPTO reject my trademark?" and "What can I do if my trademark is rejected?" We ...
Registering a trademark takes some time, but it is worth it for the longevity and legal protection of your business. This article tells you what you need to do.
to pay the related attorney fees or any state fees, (which range between $100 to $200). You will also need to pay future maintenance costs. A single-class application is usually just over $1,200.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How do I trademark a name and logo?
Do I Need to Trademark My Business Name? Trademarking your business name isn't required, but it offers stronger protection than just registering it with the state. How Much Does It Cost to Trademark a Name? The cost to trademark a name varies, but typically starts at a few hundred dollars...