How do I prepare for the AP Exam If you are going to appear AP exam, then you must know that it probably comes in May officially. May is a very tough month for students with exams, finals and end-of-year events. Thus, it is better to prepare before time and repeatedly...
Manyspecial needs studentswith disabilities want to take the AP exams too, and allowing them to take the tests online has created some unique challenges. These students may need 'accommodations' such as braille devices, magnifying devices, large-type, written copies of spoken instructions, or even...
To help identify schools that do offer college credit or allow students to skip prerequisites for passing AP exams, the College Board offers an AP college credit policy search on its website. Take A Challenging Course Load While experts say AP courses are viewed favorably by admissions office...
In addition to content review materials, you'll want to findpractice exams and questions to build specific AP test competencies. The best AP practice questions and tests are those created by the College Board—the group that makes the AP exams. As a result, their materials will be most simil...
High school students often take college-level classes to save time and money in college, but there is one catch: You have to pass the exams in order to get the credit.doi:urn:uuid:7fc1e52ede5e6310VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDEmily Driscoll...
If you wait until the spring to begin studying for your AP exams, chances are you won’t do too well. It takes time to pinpoint your weaknesses, come up with a plan to address these weak areas, and implement this plan to improve your content knowledge. If you’re waiting until the ...
Step 1: Decide If Self-Studying Is Something You Should Do Before we get into how to self-study, make sure it's the right approach for you. You might self-study for a variety of reasons: your schedule doesn't allow you to take an AP course when it's offered at your school, your...
摘要: High school students often take college-level classes to save time and money in college, but there is one catch: You have to pass the exams in order to get the credit.DOI: urn:uuid:7fc1e52ede5e6310VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRD 年份: 2012 ...
Students who are homeschooled or attend a high school that does not offer AP courses may self-study and take the relevant AP exams they desire by arranging to take the exam at a participating school. How can I get College Credit for AP Exams? When you decide what university is the bes...
Preparing for the SAT, ACT, PSAT, or AP exam? Discover these effective test-taking strategies that will improve your performance.