Let’s dive right in – to start the Shadowlands questline in WoW, follow the guide below: Players of both Horde and Alliance have to reach level 50 to start the quest leading to Shadowlands. A Chilling Summons quest should appear once you reach the required level. Visit Stormwind or Orgri...
TheA Nation Unitedstoryline quest chain The recruitment quest chain from the Stormwind Embassy How to Unlock the Loremaster of Kul Tiras Achievement Essentially, to do this you must complete the main story quests within each of the three zones in Kul Tiras. This can be done in any order you...
Once that specific quest is completed on at least one character, players will have the opportunity to speak with Bolvar in Oribos to pick up “The First Move” quest and start the next chapter of theShadowlandscampaign. Skipping ahead to the Patch 9.1 quest line on alt characters ...
If you have chosen to level a new character in the pursuit of this achievement, I would do the questlines attached the three zones of Zanadalar first. This should help you get close to, or even reach, level 60 prior to quests further down the line. ...
How to start the Relics of the Kaldorei quest inWoWClassicSoD I’m literally crying because I have to clim up this tree… AGAIN. Screenshot by Dot Esports I hope you like walking up long ramps because you’ll have to do it at least twice to finish this quest. H...
Pronounced as Bre-Nee-Uhh (I know, it was confusing to me at first too.), this is a Fire Elemental Greatsword that can be found as early as Chapter 1 when you land on Hammerhead for the first time! Although, it doesn’t do much, what makes it worth mentioning in this list is tha...
But since then the community has railed against "borrowed power" and progression systems so Dragonflight will probably be another empty raidlog expansion like Shadowlands. Basically Blizzard has apparently decided it's better to have a game where there's little to do than one where for ...
Level 19 – Questline: Garden of Secrets:You can start the next chapter of the main campaign by speaking to Merithra. Draconic Blacksmithing II:Get Blacksmithing plans from Dothenos: Plans: Khaz’gorite Leatherworker’s Toolset Plans: Khaz’gorite Needle Set ...
I understand you’re impatient to dive into the new Forsaken plotline, but before you can do that, there are a couple ofrequirements you need to meet: Be Undead Be at least level 50 Complete theReturn to Lordaeronquestline How to start and complete the Forsaken Heritage Armor questline in...
Once you’ve collected all your Fyrakk Assaults quests, take a look at the Ohna’hran Plains and the Azure Span map and look for a grey dragon icon with red background. After that, hop on your lovely Dragonriding drake, travel there, turn in the quest, and pick up the quests at ...