; Many Businesses May Be Forced to Cut Staff, Benefits and Profit Margins to SurviveWITH WAR with Iraq around the corner, consumer confidence falling and the world economy stuttering, a tax hike is the last thing that the business community needs right now....
Do I need an NI number to work? Do I need the card originally issued? How soon can I expect it? Is there a way to speed up the process? Can I apply from anywhere in the world? Do I have to complete an interview? I finished my application months ago, and I never received my nu...
All these cuts are full of flavour and if cooked the correct way, give the same pleasure that a prime cut would do or even more. Not necessarily something that is expensive will be better tasting as well. It all depends on how respectfully you treat an ingredient. 19:30...
However, if it is a matter of pay, for example, then you can consider making a counteroffer. In the case of my assistant, he had just finished his master’s degree, and I had no suitable positions to offer him that would meet his ambitions, so this wasn’t an option. Transfer or ...
While these insightful contributions exist, the perceptions of social democratic intra-party actors, their impact on policy shifts and party strategies, and how they position themselves accordingly, are not examined in detail. Hence, this article concentrates on these dynamics and actors, seeking an ...
“the extent to which the user knows what to do and knows what the system is doing” (Hone and Graham2000, p. 23). In addition, the construct of system response accuracy is utilized to test H3, which examines the DP4 design of error handling, and the construct of likability is used ...
Staff costs (including gross pay, employer's NI, reimbursed expenses and employer's pension contributions) Agency workers (externally provided workers) Subcontractors/freelancers Software license costs Cloud computing costs & data licenses Consumable items (heat, light and power, and materials and equipme...
So, if we should be more digital transformed then I would look into automating more processes and the and seeing if we could. Yeah. Could they develop intelligence on top of the of the data we collect?” (Alpha)“To have some sort of optimized lead-sales generation, and how do we ...
Contributions KS is the lead author and made a substantial contribution to the conception and design of the manuscript; LB supported the data analysis and editing of the draft manuscript; FR, MM supported the data analysis; and DT, KFC, DM, MR, JV and PR supported the editing of the draft...
Therefore, the objective function ̂ of the method has the form ∑N ̂ = min m max { q i }Ni=1 E(ŷ(x, m), y) − ( i i=1 ⋅ E(â (x, ci), ai)), (3) in which E represents the cross-entropy function, ŷ denotes the predicted labels, a denotes a ...