If you wish to hide your sensitive information like your phone number, date of birth, or other details from even your friends and wish to make your account as private as possible then you do so from the Privacy Checkup page. Let’s take a look at how it works on the Facebook app an...
So where do you begin? Read on. 1. Privacy Shortcuts There are two easy ways to get to the relevant privacy settings of your Facebook profile. In the top right, you will see a button to the right of your name – it has a padlock on it and three horizontal lines. Press it and ...
Facebook provides audience selectors to let you set different sharing options for each piece of content you post to the social network. When you open a status screen to make a post, you see the privacy setting you chose to serve as the default at the bottom of the screen. Occasionally, y...
Facebook is a social networking site that is super easy to sign up for and use. Facebook can be used to post pictures, share articles, join groups, and connect with friends. The setup process differs slightly, depending on whether you do this on desktop or through the mobile app, but ...
Beyond unwanted attention, there are other privacy risks of a public Instagram account. So if you’re asking yourself, “Why should I make my Instagram private?” here are a few reasons: Hide your social life from potential employers. Your recruiter or potential team leader might not look too...
The quiz personality for a Facebook section is what makes a quiz worth playing, so make sure you concentrate enough time on it. There is no easy way to do it, and it takes some patience and a lot of research and practice. But, there are a few aspects that, if taken into considerati...
First, make sure your site is indexed on Google. Essentially, this means giving Google a heads up that your blog exists. You can do this by submitting your sitemap toGoogle Search Console. Pro tip:Google Search Console is not only important for indexing your site, but it’s also a valuab...
These are often considered the easiest and fastest ways to make money from a blog as a beginner. Do bloggers make much money? How do bloggers get paid? How do I choose a profitable niche for my blog? What is a blog? How hard is it to make money as a blogger? Can I make ...
2 | Contact your Facebook ad rep If your Page runsFacebook ads, you’ve got an “in.” Talk to your account rep about your need to change your Page name for business – s/he should be able to make that happen. The advertising team will understand that your brand is not going to ...
Create a Facebook Page for Your Group You may be wondering why you need a Facebook page and a group. You don’t necessarily need a page for your group, but if you want to promote your group with ads or with public social media posts, you need a page to do that. Your group is ...