When we have a word (or more) that must always be italicized and it appears frequently in the document, we add a GREP style to the body text style to always apply a character style to italicize it. Very efficient. Set it up once and it's done everywhere. | Bevi Chagnon | Designer...
Today I will share with you a template that I have made in InDesign and a few tricks for customizing it for your own use. GETTING STARTED: You can start with my custom-designed template that is already formatted for MagCloud settings, or create one of your own. MagCloud’s InDesign do...
Credit an image from the Internet using this bibliography format: Creator's Last Name, First Name. Description or Title of Image. Online Image. Date you accessed the image.www.website.com>. Highlight the description or image title, and then press "Ctrl-I" on the keyboard to italicize the...