See also: Houseplant Care: 12 Tips for Healthy Indoor PlantsCOMMON HOUSEPLANT BUGSPhoto by: flocki / Shutterstock APHIDS Aphids are small pear-shaped pests and can be a variety of colors, including green, yellow, brown, black, or even pink. Aphids will typically be found feasting on the...
Correct wiring: When the plant feeds electricity to the grid, the active power of the meter is a negative value. When the plant draws electricity from the grid, the active power of the meter is a positive value. Reverse wiring: When the plant feeds electricity to the grid, the active ...
Woolly aphids usually materialise during a plant’s most active growing months, from April through to October, peaking during the summer. Like any aphid, woolly aphids are unwelcome in the garden and can damage plants in large numbers. The key is to to identify them correctly, treat them appr...
parsley family, mustard family, pea family, lily family, grass family, rose family, and aster family. It is very important to be able to identify the family that a plant belongs to, as related plants often have
for manypopular houseplants. With a little care, you can easily turn a single beloved houseplant into acollectionof beloved houseplantsthat are ready to display or give away — all without spending a single dollar. Want to learn how to identify plants for propagation and how to do this ...
You’ll also be able to identify voles by the type of damage. Remember: It’s the voles who are plant eaters. If you have partially eaten carrots, potatoes, or other root vegetables in your garden, you probably have a vole problem. According to one reader, “They dig under my carrots...
Tell me more about what it means for a cannabis plant to be “male” or “female” Did You Know? You can identify gender as young as 3 weeks from seed! How to Get Seeds or Clones – Choosing the Right Strain The two most popular ways...
How to Identify Squash Bugs The adult squash bug is a flat-backed insect that is fairly large (over 1/2-inch long) and usually dark gray to dark brown. The edges and undersides of the abdomen have orange stripes. Although they can fly, they often simply walk around on plants. ...
Is your plant looking a little yellow, brown or wilted? It could be a sign of plant disease. Use this guide to identify & treat common plant diseases.
There are various ways of telling if a house plant needs water. Some people go by soil color: The mix changes from dark brown to pale beige as it dries out. This is not always an adequate factor, especially for house plants in large pots. The soil at the top of the pot can often ...