To get a scholarship next year, he really needs an A in this course. Can he do it?Since the quiz component of the grade is the sum of the fourteen highest scores on the 10-point quizzes, the quiz component is out of 140 points. Dropping his 6 and the zero for when he was ...
I do not think english culture and coaching emphesises technique nowere near enough, focusing on physical attributes and aggresion as you said. I do feel however at national level, to get sufficient quality in depth like spain then more home grown rules need to be applied, although the curr...
The people that want to do their daily want it done quickly and without being PKed. The people that want money/karma want it without much effort and certainly not throught a drawn out fight against another player. The one that want to play with their guild want to do it smartly and in...
Consequently, PA seems to improve students' writing fluency, but writing instructors need to encourage students to create simple sentences rather than urging them to produce complex sentences which do not match their level of maturity as intermediate EFL learners. They may also provide more training ...