Linux documentation is provided when working within a shell, also known as console-based work, because help is almost always available simply by typing a help command for particular Linux commands. One of the best sources for up-to-date information on the progress of written documentation for ...
直接在终端输入「how do i +你要问的问题」,这里的问题不再是复杂的命令选项,而是普通的自然语言,和你去谷歌搜索没什么两样。 然后howdoi马上就能返回详细操作教程,实现了用日常对话的形式来查询Linux交互命令。 这么好用的工具安装起来也不复杂。 安装步骤 安装howdoi只要两步,还需要PHP 5.0以上版本。 运行下方...
Our application needs the ANSI ODBC driver instead of Unicode, Windows has both of these PosgreSQL ODBC drivers, how do I get the ANSI version for Linux?Resolution Red Hat only packages the Unicode compiled Linux driver, you would need to download and build your own from the PostgreSQL ODBC...
Most current Linux distributions do their best to hide them with splash screens, filler, and boot options. In addition, hardware improvements have caused the kernel to start much faster than before; the messages flash by so quickly, it can be difficult to see what is happening. 传统的Unix系统...
In order to combine these pieces to connect a Linux machine to the Internet, you or a piece of software must do the following: 你现在已经看到了构成网络协议栈较低层的所有基本元素:物理层、网络(互联网)层以及Linux内核的网络接口。 为了将这些部分组合起来将Linux机器连接到互联网,您或者一款软件必须...
Arch Linux is a popular choice for those who want a highly customizable, do-it-yourself approach that is still stable and well-supported by a large user base. It is a much more complicated place to start, but can help you to get a better understanding of how Linux works due to the ...
There are a few different ways to do this from the command line. First, you could use theiproute2tools to get your IP address by typing this: ipaddr show ens3|grepinet|awk'{ print $2; }'|sed's/\/.*$//' Copy This will give you two or three lines back. They are al...
This section describes how you can configure atop and kdump on Linux ECSs for performance analysis.The method for configuring atop varies with the OS version.atopIntroduc
How do I generate a JBoss stack trace on Linux? How do I redirect output of kill -3 to a file? JBoss has high cpu usage, freezes, hangs, or doesn't release idle threads, how can I get a thread dump to troubleshoot? JMS messages are getting lost, how can I generate a thread dum...
Unix filenames do not need extensions and often do not carry them. 注意 如果你习惯于MS-DOS,你可能本能地输入*.*来匹配所有文件。现在要打破这个习惯。 在Linux和其他版本的Unix中,你必须使用*来匹配所有文件。在Unix shell中,*.*只匹配文件名和目录名中包含点(.)字符的文件和目录。 Unix文件名不需要...