As a licensed radio amateur, When I got my callsign, I did a CQ on our city Analog repeater. After I got my DMR ID successfully, I want to do a digital CQ, but unfortunately no digital repeater here. After several months, I learned MMDVM Hotspot. I ordered one MMDVM DMR Hotspot wit...
What is a DMR file? File created by BrainVoyager, a program used for analyzing MRI data of the brain; describes the brain imaging data but does not contain the data itself--the data is stored in one or more corresponding files (e.g., ".dwi" files or DICOM .DCM files); often used ...
What do you need to get HD1 GPS position on Dual band Ailunce HD1 radio. MMDVM DMR Hotspot. DMR Callsign and ID is needed. 4. Update yourHD1 firmwareto version 1.60. (Please follow this blog do correct firmware update operati...
How do community based dementia friendly initiatives work for people with dementia and their caregivers, and why? A rapid realist reviewcaregiversdementiadementia friendly communitiesdementia friendly initiativesoutcomesrealist reviewsocial participationObjectives To describe and explain the outcomes of community ...
Don’t know how to do? Please read this blog: Retevis.comupdated the wesbite, and now the page resourse-center doesn’t work. And we have added theprogramming softwareto each product page. The steps: 1, Fill the model you want to download in the search box, then press enter button. ...
The Sleep Utility window opens when you connect a device to the USB port with the lightning bolt.Verify the device to be charged can do so through its power cable using a USB port. Each USB device may have its own specific charging specification. To charge your device in Standby/Sleep Mod...
I use this when I travel both in these USA and abroad. Very useful. Fast enough for Zoom. I connect my DMR (ham radio) through it. If you use my link, they give me more data. A GREAT back up. KEEPGO! Help support Fr. Z’s Gospel of Life work at no cost to you. Do you ...
(1le)dsdcehleivdeurlieeds, dwehliivcheraieres,swchheidchulaerdeasncdheadsusilgendeadntdo adsesliigvnereydttroucdkesli;v(2e)ryoptreuncktass;k(s2)woipthenkntaoswkns wdeitlhivkernyodwenstdinealitvioenrys, dwehsitcihnaatrieonnso,twschhiecdhualreednaontdscahsseidgunleeddtaonddelaisvseirgynt...
The concept paper serves as a guide to the Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem, and it has implications for the development and the future of underground mine transportation. Citation: Yu, H.; Li, S. The Function Design for the Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) System: How to...
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