Learn more about your Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (SM-A326U) Get support for Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (SM-A326U) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, troubleshooting, email, and more from AT&T
Learn more about your Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (SM-A326U) Get support for Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (SM-A326U) features including voicemail, connectivity, storage, troubleshooting, email, and more from AT&T
Hi , I bought for almost nothing the 11t pro locked and bricked , I would like to have some help to figure out how to get this phone back alive 😭 it can only go to fastboot and mi suite page , I detected it on fastboot on my computer but don't know what to do now that the...
MyTouch SlideFor those phones head here for our Unrevoked Method or rooting instead.3. This procedure gives you root access on your phone, in order to load a custom ROM, please do this procedure then continue to the next procedure for your specific device at the end of this procedure.4...
4.Now After selecting the .zip file do “Swipe to confirm flash” at the bottom of the screen. 5.Once Flashed the Super su vxxx.x.zip files reboot your device. Done! #Download Super su for lineage os ►Download Latest Super Su.zip for lineage os How to UnRoot Lineage OS 1...
4.Now After selecting the .zip file do “Swipe to confirm flash” at the bottom of the screen. 5.Once Flashed the Super su vxxx.x.zip files reboot your device. Done! #Download Super su for lineage os ►Download Latest Super Su.zip for lineage os How to UnRoot Lineage OS 1...
Wow! Ok so I figured out how to do this after trying just about everything I can think of for 2 days. This is to help anyone who is ready to end their existence. 1. I’m running Vista Ultimate 64 bit on both my computers (Yes I tried it all on both!) 2. I have a 32B Sap...
I just want this one application. Thanks. thanks for your interest in a7000. unfortunately, lenovo doesn't provide stock firmware. but,the kernel source is up. Requesting DEVs to support this powerful device. those who own this device, do a factory dump and upload it. Let's start ...
此外,“百事焕新”活动每个月向一个美国项目分配130万美元,例如 近期的“为墨西哥湾做点善事”(Do Good For the Gulf)——百事公司提供资助金,为那些因主人在墨西哥湾漏油事件中丧失家园而无家可归的动物建造一处庇护所;这个项目还提供心理健康咨询服务及就业培 训。“品牌必须适应新千年的变化;年轻人希望有所...
A3: You need to unlock the lock screen one time after you connect Moto G with PC. For security reasons, the contents are not shown unless the lock screen is unlocked once. This is to authenticate yourself as the proper owner. You can imagine if your phone is st...