I am sorry for the late response. There is an error in the comment of function "esp_bredr_sco_datapath_set". This function should be used after an HCI reset command is set to the controller and before (e)SCO link is established. I will fix this issue then. Currently the HFP example ...
fdisk -p <device_num> - print partition information - using default u~yE«99?.. riables bootable device data oyyIThe input address don't need a virtual-to-physical translation : 00000000 DKC110 dowi syo?aON?down system now! s 0! ! s 1 already! {KKKVE‹}µµ?}‘•U...
I should point out that I have never done any performance optimization on Ekanite. There is probably a ton of stuff we could do to reduce CPU load. Member otoolep commented Aug 14, 2016 #37 is the start of better diagnostics support. Hopefully I can provide better debugging built into ...