What this article and my calculation attempts to do is provide an easy way for all pensioners to assign a real value to their pensions. I also want to give pensioners hope that their financial situation isn't as dire as expected if they are comparing themselves to private sector workers or ...
The fact that people seemed to go out of their way to do this sort of thing got me to thinking that they must be getting some value out of making my life difficult or they would not be behaving in this fashion. After mulling these events over decided to see if the law of supply and...
I have to admit that I don’t remember most of the presents my parents got me over the years. I remember a few here and there, but while I know I must have been really excited in the moment, they didn’t really stick with me. The gift I do remember is the one I still have; ...
Everybodyhastherighttofindaplace“fittingtothewishes ofhisheart”(Moreno:“TestamentoftheFather”). And:Weneedsociologicandtherapeuticinstrumentslike sociometrytomakeaworldwherepeoplecanreallybelong toeachother. And:Ifwewanttobelongtoeachotherwehavetobalance ...
Here, the authors conclude that women balance two distinct needs: the need to abide by Islamic prescription and the need to express beauty tastes. The issue of logic is also prevalent in tween dress choices in Pakistan, where both the market and Islam are central to choice and manner of ...