你可能可以通过你的公司门户网站,用你的员工登录来访问你的T4报表。请留意你的电子邮件或工作中的任何更新,看看如何访问你的T4。 如果您有CRA的 "我的账户",您可以在雇主向CRA提交T4单据后立即进入在线账户,通常,这些单据应在3月中旬提供。你也可以在你的账户上查阅往年的T4单据。 T4报表解释 T4报表一开始可能...
<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return quit format> i Vendor: HUAWEI Product: XSG1 Revision: 6000 format> In this example, the vendor ID and product ID of the LUN are HUAWEI and XSG1, respectively. Check the /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf file on the host. If the file cannot be found...
c# how do i set entire worksheet to ignored errors=true code is called in controller create C# LINQ How to Delete a row from database table... Convert the SQL Statement. C# LINQ Statement that SELECT records between dates C# list search using StartsWith and Wildcard *, is that possible?
how do i delete a review? over a year ago Answer 1 answer Reviewed this restaurant Phil S St. Neots, United Kingdom 0 Votes Click on the 3 dots at the side of the review over a year ago Add your answer Verification: Answer Posting guidelines Browse nearby Hotels (2) | R...
SqlDbType.VarChar, Size = 9, Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, Value = sid }}; PeopleIQ = _context.People.FromSql("[dbo].[IdSearch] @Id_p", param); ViewBag.h = _context.Person.Any(s => s.Id == sid); } var data = await PeopleIQ.ToListAsync(); return da...
How do I book a hotel for my honeymoon? over a year agoAnswer 1 answer Property representative Marketing_SmallGrp Bangkok 0 Votes Dear dsyafiera Thank you for planing to spend your special occasion with us. You can visit Krabi La Playa website to reserve the preferred room with us, pleas...
Combining the advanced concepts of SpringBoot with the simplicity and elegance of C#, declarative programming focuses on "what to do" rather than "how to do it", and writes code at a higher level.将SpringBoot的先进理念与C#的简洁优雅合二为一,声明式编程,
Good Morning I need to make a macro to fix all the Date entries that are entered. Some dates are entered with 10/01/2021" others "01-10-2021" or "01.10.2021". With this routine, when opening the fi... csoares This should be faster: ...
I am running on a Linux machine to do this test, so it's not going to be perfectly on a Mac, but should give you some tips of the direction to try some things... import PySimpleGUI as sg layout = [[sg.Button('1', mouseover_colors=(sg.theme_button_color_text(), sg.theme_ba...
Change management has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars: how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change process? And what can employees do to get through it?Tips for dealing with change in the workplace.●Make yourself aware that change...