All the credit card fees you have collected will look like taxes that need to be paid, and your charges from QB are still going to show as full amounts that you have paid them. Just wondering how to check and balance this situation. Cheer Reply ...
Choose Enter Credit Card Charges. Enter the name on the Purchased From field. Select the account you created. Enter the amount of the charge. Click on Save & Close. You can always get back to me if you have any other questions or concerns. I'll only be a post away. 0 Cheer Reply...
and QuickBooks Online (QBO) makes it easy to manage this process. QBO makes it simple to manage and repay staff expenses, whether they are for travel expenses, office supplies, or any other costs associated with your business. A detailed tutorial on the process is provided in this article. ...
Go to the Banking menu, then click Enter Credit Card Charges. Select the credit card account from the Credit Card dropdown. Hit the Refund/Credit radio button. Enter the necessary details. If you returned Items, select the Item tab and enter the ...
I understand that credit card processing fees can add up and that cash flow is important to small businesses. Allow me to share a workaround, @LadyRoxann . Since credit card surcharges are handled differently in each state, the function to automatica...
How about if it is a fraud concerning our debit card? We had 2 charges on debit from our checking. The bank refunded them, in ONE deposit. How do I enter it in deposits? Thanks Cheer Reply JT Mather Level 1 January 16, 2020 07:41 PM Hey Everyone, I created...
I'd like to check the setup of your products and services in QBO, Aleem Shaik. I know that you already mentioned that you didn't use this account. But since all of the line items on your invoice are posting to this account, then it's still probabl...
I suggest to manually enter the loan transactions in QBO. Before doing the steps below, I recommend contacting an accountant to help you categorizing the transactions. Here's how to enter loan transactions: First, set Liability account to record the loan: 1. Click ...
I believe! But still haven’t been able to verify that the to added amounts received was paid to me through her credit card company. Cheer Reply Fiat Lux - ASIA Level 15 August 22, 2023 02:31 AM So the problem is with your QB Payments, not your QBO account...
Additionally, I suggest sending feedback to improve your experience with the QBO mobile app. Our developers will read your inputs and consider them for future improvements in the program. Here's how to do it in the app: Tap the Menu icon. Click the Ge...