The Tarkov offline practice mode provides a training ground for new EFT players to test weapons, fight Scavs, gain map knowledge, adjust your settings and learn other core game mechanics. In this mode players cannot lose equipment but you also do not keep loot you find or gain experience. It...
Download the 8GB DLC on the PlayStation Store. Update your game on December 12. Begin the DLC below “New Game” in the main menu. This is a rogue-lite, though, so that means some permanent upgrade progress can be made after each run. Just remember that the progress is geared toward ...
Type in “Dragon’s Dogma 2” and wait for Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creator & Storage to appear. Click “Download Now.” Alternatively, you can click this link to go directly tothe Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creator & Storage Xbox Store pageon PC. I Can’t Find Dragon’s Dogma 2...
Head to: Register/Login to your account. Under the “Profile” tab select “Activate Promo Code” Enter your unique code that’s displayed on the ‘Orders’ page of and follow the prompts to activate. Once the code is activated you will be pr...
Skimping on your motherboard purchase by simply selecting the cheapest board you can find may come back to bite you later, as it could have missing features that you needed for your PC build (or for a future upgrade if you are planning to do one in a few months or years).However, wh...
When attempting to launch games such as PUBG, Escape from Tarkov, Ark: Survival Evolved, or Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, among others, they've encountered an unwelcome crash. Typically, the error comes with an associated code like “PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA,” which provides a clue ...
After you have placed the files, simply open the launcher, and click on theUpdatebutton to apply the latest patch. That’s all you need to do to manually update the latest version of Genshin Impact. If you followed the steps correctly, the launcher should say “Pre-Installation Done“.Don...