can i get permisson to do it
Start Advanced Run and set it to run asTrustedInstaller. Set Run Mode toCommand Promptand clickRun. Run the following command:"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -DisableService & sc config "WinDefend" depend= RpcSs-DISABLED Restart your PC. Optional:To revert the changes, use this ...
If you’re not sure if the TrustedInstaller.exe installed on your computer is a virus and yet you’re facing high CPU usage. There are multiple things you can do to cure this error: 3.1 Disable Windows Updates TrustedInstaller and Windows Update are closely linked as TrustedInstaller is a Win...
The only problem here is that Microsoft doesn't allow you to permanently disable Defender from its settings. Once you disable it using the appropriate option, it quickly returns to the enabled state after a short period of time. The situation is even worse, as you can't see exactly when i...
I have an issue where my PC works extremely slowly, to the point that it became a pain to browse the web on my browser. I checked the Task Manager, and I've noticed that trustedinstaller.exe is taking up to 100%
If you need to disable the administrator account, you can do it using the following command:Disable-LocalUser -Name "Administrator" Another way to enable a disabled administrator account is to use PowerShell. The problem might be the lack of security privileges if you can’t delete a specific...
Navigate to Advanced >TrustedInstaller. You now want to change the ownership to Local Administrator Group. Hit Apply to Save changes. Next, you must choose Local Administrators group located under the Security tab. Check the Allow box right away to gain Full Control in the section ...
Enable or disable Windows Defender using Shortcut or Command-line Method 1: Turn off the Microsoft Defender service completely March 2022 Update:Method 1 doesn’t seem to work in the latest Windows 10 build 10.0.19044.1586 (21H2) despite running the script as TrustedInstaller. It throws up erro...
When you perform an action on some file it shows an error message like “File Access Denied”, “You need permission to perform this action” or “You require permission from trustedinstaller to make changes to this file”. This happens because the owner of the file is Trustedinstaller. In ...
The problem is that a basic Windows user or even a system administrator user account can't access or change the files in the folder. This is because it is owned by a Microsoft account named "TrustedInstaller." We've already coveredeverything about TrustedInstallerand how to disable it in det...