That's exactly what a steam locomotive can do. Although these giant mechanical dinosaurs are now extinct from most of the world's railroads, steam technology lives on in people's hearts and locomotives like this still run as tourist attractions on many heritage railways. ...
To do so, I present a more general conceptual framework for categorizing four key problem classes—(I) Straightforward, (II) Formidable, (III) Manageable, and (IV) Wicked—based on two distinguishing features: the extent to which the problem is clear and well-defined and the extent to which...
I wrote a book about RANKING, and now we are working with Zsuzsa Szvetelszky on an other book REPAIR: When and How to Improve Broken Objects, Ourselves, and Our Society
And since every living thing needs energy in order to do stuff—and you can’t make your own energy—we’re all awkwardly left with no choice but to steal the energy we need from someone else.11← click these Almost all of the energy used by the Earth’s living things got to us in...
No clearly we have not individually changed that much at all and in reality these changes, if they are to happen will take generations to come about. Do we have that time? Will we rely on our political leaders, our scientists and Industrialists to come up with solutions? Just one moment...