Fish breeds and lifespan.Fish have a bad reputation for short lives, but with proper care they can live for at least three to five years. Some breeds live a decade or longer. For example, the common goldfish, one of the most popular pet fish breeds, grows to be up to eight inches l...
Labyrinth fish The labyrinth fishes breed air and will need to surface to breed. The group contain a lot of popular species of tropical fish that are suitable for beginners. A good example of this is the dwarfgouramiand the pearl gourami. Some species are aggressive and are not suitable for...
peacock cichlids can be bred in captivity. Peacock cichlids are a breed of African cichlid native to Lake Malawi. These fish are very colorful and non-aggressive, which makes them excellent fish to keep. In order to successfully breed peacock cichlids you will need to set up...
Molly Fish General Information 2 comments Molly Fish Molly (Poecilia Sphenops) originates from Argentina, Brazil, Africa, the U. S. Virgin Islands and Venezuela. Robert John Lechmere Guppy discovered Mollies in 1866. Mollies don’t lay eggs they give birth to living young. Molly fish are ...
Question:Is duckweed good for my outdoor guppy and guppy fry ponds? Answer:Try a small amount and see if they eat it. I believe they will. If they don't, remove as much as you can because it will spread. Question:How do you feed the duckweed to your tilapia?
Illustrative image of Trinidadian guppy fish. (credit: Wikimedia Commons) What is the lifespan of the pet I am considering? Some pets live longer than others. Fish have very short lifespans, and reptiles' lifespans can range from just a few years to decades for snakes and, in rare cases...
“luck of the draw,” which isn't really helpful when you’re attempting to breed hermit crabs. Try to use the information you do know about hermit crab genders to make your selections, but don't be surprised if you end up with a male when you really wanted a female. Luckily, hermit...
Guppies are active and often colorful, making them popular aquarium pets. To keep your fish healthy, it's important to know how often to feed guppies and what they eat. Guppy young require a special diet, although one ea... How to ...
Don't buy fish if you don't have an aquarium large enough to accommodate them. Platies are very prolific, so a small tank can get over-crowded very quickly. You Might Also Like How toBreed and Care for Platies How to Tell If a Guppy Is Male or Female How toTell the Sex of an An...
“luck of the draw,” which isn't really helpful when you’re attempting to breed hermit crabs. Try to use the information you do know about hermit crab genders to make your selections, but don't be surprised if you end up with a male when you really wanted a female. Luckily, hermit...