The solution could be electric cars that get their energy from cleaner sources of power or hybrid cars that use a combination of electricity and gasoline power. So why do we still use gasoline? There's a very good reason why the overwhelming majority of cars, trucks, and other vehicles on...
The operation of a diesel engine is similar to the one of a gasoline engine, but they are slightly different in how they ignite the air and fuel mixture. In gasoline engines, the air and fuel are pre-mixed before being sucked into the cylinder. On the other hand, diesel engines use fue...
But it took scientists a while to work out a good way to make a car move quickly and for a long period of time by using electricity. Until recently. almost all cars used gasoline.Today, many cars run on both electricity and gas.And some cars run only on electricity.Most clectric cars...
Gasoline as a Fuel:Gasoline is produced by separating specific types of hydrocarbons from raw petroleum. These chains of hydrocarbons contain stored chemical energy, which can then be combusted to produce heat.Answer and Explanation: A gasoline combustion engine is usually an internal combustion ...
If that happens, where will all our cars get their fuel from? The short-term fix is to get better fuel efficiency from existing cars. In the longer term, the solution may be to switch vehicles over from gasoline engines and diesel to battery electricity and electric fuel cells, which are...
Curious about how electric cars work? This in-depth guide breaks down the types of electric cars (BEV, PHEV, HEV) and the key components that make up an EV.
If you stop quickly, the brakes on the car will do most of the work of slowing the car down, and that energy will be wasted. The same reasoning applies to gasoline-powered cars: Abrupt stops waste a lot of energy. Lots More Information Sources Share: Citation Advertisement Loading.....
Gas engines, also known as gasoline engines, are commonly found in cars. They work by igniting a fuel-air mixture with a spark plug. The intake stroke creates a vacuum, drawing in the mixture. During the compression stroke, the mixture is compressed, and when ignited, combustion occurs, gen...
汽车英语翻译How an engine works Almost all cars currently use a four-stroke combustion cycle to convert gasoline into motion. That is to say that the Intake stroke, Compression stroke, Power stroke and Exhaust stroke are one engine cycle. Whe
Car engine basics: What are they and how do they work? A car's engine is its heart: It generates the power needed to move the vehicle forward. The power from an internal combustion engine (ICE) is created through a series of tiny explosions, each fueled by a mixture of gasoline and ...