As their name implies, these aretropical plants. The Amazon Sword should be grown in water with a temperature ranging from 72–82°F, making this plant ideal for tropical freshwater tanks. It prefers a pH between 6.5–7.5, although it may tolerate a pH as low as 6.0 and as high as 8.0...
How does the shrimp use bioluminescence to avoid predators? How does one tell a plant from algae? Which biome does the phytoplankton live in? Describe two ways that red sea urchins have adapted to survive in their environment. How have guppies adapted over time to their freshwater environment?
What are the prominent features of a freshwater aquatic biome? What are abiotic factors in the marine biome? What are two adaptations of brine shrimp? Explain how plankton form the base of ocean food webs. How are cnidarians involved in the formation of coral reefs?
Invertebrates –e.g., Shrimp Gastropods –e.g., Snails Amphibians –e.g., Frogs Reptiles –e.g., TurtlesHowever, that doesn’t mean they can’t “carry” an Ich infestation into your freshwater tank. Use a quarantine tank to avoid this!How does Ich get inside your aquarium?
9. Save some insulation sheets for such times or move potted plants or do whatever it takes to shade windows from the outside in a power outage. It takes as much energy to evaporate a cc of water as it does to raise it from the freezing point to the boiling point. It takes a TREME...
Black neon tetras originate from the tropical freshwater of southern Brazil. These tiny fish are dark with a greenish hue, with one white stripe that glows under light and a second black stripe.Black neon tetrasbecome stressed when lonely, exposed to too much bright light, or poor water condit...
Enough freshwater aquarium salt can harm inverts. As a rule, you don't want to put more than one tablespoon of salt per five gallons of water. Just take a teaspoon of salt and put it in a container, add some aquarium water to it, and after a while use a turkey baster to suck up...
While most species of planaria worms are harmless to fish, these pests have been known to attack and kill small shrimp species likedwarf freshwater shrimp. In addition, some types are parasitic and can pose a threat to fish. Dangerous types of planaria worms are pretty rare in aquariums, bu...
As for freshwater fisheries, each state has its own office that oversees fishing activity within that state's waters. Laws, regulations and enforcement vary from state to state. If you plan on spending a quiet day at the lake with rod and reel, you should look into your local ...
Freshwater dip The freshwater dip is an old yet effective method against a variety of parasites, including saltwater ich. It is actually a more extreme spin-off of the hyposalinity method. The goal of the freshwater dip is to put the infected fish in complete freshwater for a short period ...