This illustration shows NASA's Mars Opportunity Rover, the second of the two Mars Exploration Rovers to land on the Red Planet in 2004 to search for signs of past life. NASA/JPL-Caltech It seems easy enough: If we can blast a man to the moon for a round of golf, why do we have...
Scientists have speculated that the booms are probably caused by shallow earthquakes that are too small to be reported, yet large enough to be felt by people nearby. Or else, they may be sonic booms from planes traveling faster than the speed of sound. But nobody knows for sure [sources:...
Maar diagram: Cross-sectional view through a maar showing the diatreme excavated by the phreatomagmatic explosions, the tuff ring of tephra that surrounds the crater, and how the water table has caused a lake to form within the crater. ADVERTISEMENT Many of Kilauea's pre-1924 explosive ...
Practically every organization has internet connectivity and some form of IT infrastructure, which means nearly all organizations are at risk of a cyberattack. To understand how great this risk is and to be able to manage it, organizations need to complete a cybersecurity risk assessment, a...
Examine the diagram of a fireworks shell below and read the caption to better understand what happens in the air when this explosion occurs.Fireworks launching equipment: Aerial fireworks shells are launched from short metal pipes known as "mortars." The wires running into the mortars carry a jol...
Natural Disasters Notebooking Research Journals – record information about historic floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, and earthquakes Wonders of Space Notebooking Research Journal – record information about 27 wonders that are out of this world Layers and Spheres of the Earth Notebooking Research Journal –...
Why do earthquakes occur in areas dominated by volcanic activity? What are the stages of the solar nebula hypothesis? Based on interpretations of rock units and changes in fossil life forms, how is Earth's history divided into manageable units?
205.Illegal Smuggling– Monitoring cross-border smuggling activity by placing a GPS on a vehicle with a warrant to do so. 206.Fear of Crime– Interviewing individuals for fear of crime using GPS-enabled mobile computing.
It was previously known that major earthquakes could generate powerful and long -runout turbidity currents that transfer very large volumes of sediment to the deep-sea4,5,20. However, it was uncertain whether river floods could also generated turbidity currents that flushed large amounts of sedimen...
Natural disasters or uncontrollable hazards like earthquakes, floods, fire, or war. To mitigate those risks, we can implement these actions: Protect the data with strong passwords, and define the policy for password expiration. Categorize the data with different classes and usage, and define the ...