Dehumidifiers can also help mitigate the effects of common allergies to dust mites, fungus and mold; if the air in your home is excessively moist, it can encourage the growth of these allergens. Even if you don't have allergies, preventing mold growth is a good reason to consider getting ...
. House Dust Mites: How they affect asthma, eczema and other allergies. Elliot Right Way, 1993, England, Allergy Clin Immunol 1989: 83: 416-427.Whitrow, D.(1995) House dust mites; How they affect asthma, eczema, and other allergies. UK: Right Way; (Data of Submission : 2007. 7.21)...
they shed their body parts and excrete feces and saliva. When these substances get into the air they have an effect similar to that of dust mites in your house. They may trigger asthma or allergies when you inhale them.
Sometimes, they're carried by vectors like flies, mites, mosquitoes or rats, which pass their diseases by biting or stinging humans. Many infections are spread via bodily fluids -- you would have to have unprotected sex with an infected person or be exposed to their blood or saliva. Others...
Another one bites the dust. See more pictures of corporate life. Colorblind/Stone/Getty Images When the aliens come down from outer space to colonize Earth and imprison all humans, they might be surprised and confused by how humans live their lives. Day after day, we wake up at ungodly...
Dust can take two hours to settle after vacuuming -- try not to clean before you go to bed or around people who have allergies. Watch out for moisture. Mold and mildew can affect the quality of air inside your home. Use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to keep the humidity lower than...
Cat dander consists of microscopic pieces of dry cat skin that become airborne, landing on bedding, curtains, carpeting, and other surfaces, including humans' skin and clothing. Cat dander particles are tiny, about 1/10th the size of dust mites. Dry skin particles wouldn't be particularly alle...
When possible, choose hard flooring over carpet.They’re usually made with synthetic fibers, plus they can act as a sponge that absorbs dust, flame retardants, dust mites, mold spores and other contaminants. (34) If you have carpets, using a good vacuum at least once a week (ideally a ...
Allergies are common in dogs—in fact, they are one of the top reasons for veterinary appointments. Dog allergy symptoms most commonly affect the skin and ears. While humans often outgrow allergies, allergies in dogs tend to worsen as they get older. So how do you know if your dog has al...
Although these small animals are not thought to cause disease in humans, they do feed on human and animal blood and can be a nuisance to get rid off. Bed bugs bite people in the night, usually as they sleep, to feed on their blood causing itchy bites that appear over any exposed skin...