doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2007.11.017Alison RitterInt J Drug PolicyRitter A. How do drug policy makers access research evidence? Int J Drug Policy. 2009; 20 (1):70–75. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2007.11.017. [ Cross Ref ]Ritter Alison. How do drug policy makers access research evidence?
drug trafficking organizations can generate more profit in a shorter amount of time. While extremely hazardous to make, most meth found in the US today comes from drug cartels to the south. Border patrol agents reportedly seize 10 to 20 times more meth ...
A drug patent is a form of intellectual property protection granted to pharmaceutical companies for their novel medications. It gives the patent holder the exclusive right to manufacture, sell, and profit from the drug for a specified period. This exclusivity is designed to reward innovation and re...
By redefining drug use as legal, it eliminates all drug-related crimes. 通过将使用毒品重新界定为合法行为,所有涉毒案件也不再涉及犯罪。 Now, legalization does solve the drug enforcement problem. 这样一来,毒品合法化的确能够解决缉毒问题。 If drugs are legal, there are no profits to be made from ...
利弊;正反两方面;优缺点)ofeachofthem.2.3.Comparetheargumentsandfindouttheirlogicalpremises(前提)andfallacies(错 误).4.Learnhowtoarguecoherently(有条理的)andconvincingly(令人信服的)bystudyingthetechniquesemployedbythewriters.HowDoWeDealwiththeDrugProblem?Authors Background ...
Such is the deliciously convenient reasoning that the drug problem can be resolved by legalizing it. 这种逻辑方便易行,叫人拍手称道,即毒品问题可以通过将其合法化得以解决。 Unfortunately, legalization sounds too good to be true and probably is. 令人遗憾的是,毒品合法化听起来妙不可言,但好得让人难...
There is considerable evidence to suggest that with legalization drug use and its social costs would increase. Sharply. 许多证据表明,如果实现毒品合法化,毒品的使用及其社会成本将会增加,而且是急剧增加。 Keeping drugs illegal may not eliminate them, but it almost surely reduces their use. 使毒品交易非...
Mendez, Susan JZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic ResearchZew Discussion PapersHow Do Drug Prices Respond to a Change from External to Internal Reference Pricing? Evidence from a Danish Regulatory Reform 93 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
you can expect the company’s stock price to soar; if it’s rejected, the drug's profit potential is gone and share prices will likely drop like a stone.