远离电视、远离手机,寻找最初的纯粹的亲子时光。 在这里,我计划伴你读完1000+本绘本故事。 一个人阅读很孤单,一群人学习更快乐。 今日故事: How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers? 今天的故事选自《How Do Dinosaurs 家有恐龙》,...
910 2020-03 2 HowDoDinosaursLearnColoursAndNumbers? 587 2020-03 3 The very hungry caterpillar 648 2020-03 4 稻草人的心 612 2020-03 5 种惊喜的笨笨熊 624 2020-03 6 守株待兔 721 2020-03 7 英文儿歌清唱The morning song 1922 2020-03 ...
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? 《恐龙生病是怎样好起来的?》 How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? 《恐龙是怎样道晚安的?》 How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? 《恐龙是怎样吃饭的?》 How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? 《恐龙是怎样上学的?》 How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers? 《恐龙是怎样学习...
06 How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers 471902:08 05 how do dinosaurs fat their food? 216605:47 04 How do Dinosaurs get well soon 174504:21 03 How Do Dinosaurs Go to School 194503:36 02 How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You- without signals 210803:06 01 How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight...
绘本:《How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and numbers?》 by Jame Yolen & Mark Teague 图片发自简书App 这是《How Do Dinosaurs…》系列的其中一本。这套绘本由著名作家Jane Yolen和明星插画家Mark Teague携手创作。Jane Yolen,是国际儿童文学大奖——美国凯迪克大奖的获得者,创作过两百多本儿童图书和成人图书,其中...
绘本《How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers? 恐龙怎么认识颜色和数字?》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 This playful peek into the homes of curious dinosaur children is the perfect way to encourage your own little dinosaur to count to ten and name different colours.How do dinosaurs count to ten?Over...
How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers?(机器翻译:恐龙如何学习颜色和数字?)作者:Jane Yolen 出版社:HarperCollins ISBN(13位):9780007809738 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:32 市场价:¥ 59.9装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 平装 九成新 ¥ 18.30 ¥ 16.10 0 有货通知 内容简介 恐龙是如何数到十的?
《How do dinosaurs learn colours and Numbers?》 by Jane Yolen& Mark Teagu 这本书适合3-6岁的孩子 图片发自简书App Dinosaur colours start with red:A red fire engine tucked under the bed, A purple towel left on the floor, a green sign taped to the bedroom door, ...
How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers? 分册介绍 1.How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? 很多孩子跟这只小恐龙一样,有很多不良习惯:有起床气、沙子玩得到处都是、晚上不睡觉……但让人好笑又感动的是,事后他们总是用各种方式...
How Do Dinosaurs Learn Colours and Numbers? 恐龙怎么认识颜色和数字? ISBN9780007244737 作者:简·约伦(JaneYolen) 著,MarkTeague绘出版社:HarperCollins UK出版时间:2007年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥33.10 配送至 北京市东城区 运费6元,满49元包邮...