HOW CAN PHILOSOPHERS TEACH PROFESSIONAL ETHICS?doi:10.1111/j.1467-9833.1989.tb00014.xVivianWeilWileyJournal of Social Philosophy
On the other hand, contemporary philosophy shows that language is examined through externalism and intersubjectivity. Among analytic philosophers of the 20th century, a widely accepted view is that there is no such thing as the “private meaning”. If having a meaning signifies a “locked in a ...
After Kant, continental philosophers and influenced social theorists like Durkheim decided to dispose of things in themselves as unnecessary conceptual baggage. We cannot know them anyway. So let us just focus on the phenomena, something we have access to and can study empirically, as well as ...
The early Stoics used a different approach and emphasis from the late ones, and there were unorthodox Stoics like Aristo of Chios (who was closer to Cynicism and rejected the importance of physics and logic in favor of ethics), Herillus of Carthage (who thought that knowledge was the goal o...
" is, and how we might attain it. While philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics....
She takes Asma to task for misusing terms like “favoritism,” bringing up the definition of that word according to the Oxford, which includes the word “undue” (as in “undue preference”). However, that’s hardly convincing. Philosophers (and other academics) re-define words all the time...
How did Epicurus define pleasure and suffering? Where did Epicurus live? Who destroyed Epicurus's work upon his death? What school of philosophy did Epicurus belong to? Did Epicurus use virtue ethics? How did Epicurus define wisdom? What did Epicurus consider to be the goal for living?
When we think about Stoic philosophers, we typically think about the thinkers of ancient Greece and Rome, like Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. But my guest, Mark Matousek, says there was an incredibly insightful Stoic philosopher who lived on the American continent in more modern ti...
Make an analysis of scientists or philosophers who were trying to define the word you have chosen. You may also try to look for some legal definitions of the word, to show another approach. Write how the definition of the word changed during different periods or it was constant. You may ...
The opinions of famous philosophers about the upbringing of children. If it is an excellent discursive essay, it should have an appropriate number of quotes cited appropriately. Without them, the argumentative paper will look too weak, and you will be blamed for the lack of identical pieces of...