destroyers and naval bombers have solved my submarine woes. Either carrier or land based works. Plus, you might try baiting the submarines by moving troops through the sea zone - they'll act as extra convoys for the subs to attack and might get them out of position long enough for a dest...
Analysis: Tomahawks, Submarines and the F-111 Launch systems Arleigh Burke Class (AEGIS) Guided Missile Destroyers, USA SSN Los Angles Class Attack Submarine, USA - U.S. subs that launch cruise missiles SSN Astute Class Attack Submarine, UK - Royal Navy subs that launch cruise missiles B-52H...
Sonar allowed Allied sub-chasers, corvettes, frigates, and destroyers to detect even submerged submarines, then attack them with depth charges and other anti-submarine weapons. Sonar as a detection device was further refined during the Cold War, as the Soviet Union quickly established superiority ...
Like destroyers in the Arleigh-Burke class, the DDG 1000 will be multi-mission, capable of providing forward deterrence and presence, and an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. But unlike today's destroyers, the primary mission of the DDG 1000 will be land attack support ...
Destroyers can also be outfitted with sonar and depth charges, which is the one way surface vessels can attack submarines. Curiously, due to naval battle AI, submarines will flee almost any battle with depth charge-equipped destroyers, being that the destroyers can actually hurt them. ...
At a certain point, submarines could start looking like underwater aircraft carriers. The next level of evolution would be larger, higher performance drones, perhaps even drones that could attack ships from the air or shoot down other drones or manned aircraft. Where this ride stops nobody knows...
U.S. destroyers in the Tonkin Gulf in August 1964 radioed that they were receiving fire by North Vietnamese forces, inspiring President Johnson to request increased military force in Indochina. Congress drew up the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which gave the green light for any means necessary to ...
It's Allied versus Axis; Battleships, and Cruisers and Destroyers maneuver for attack, or struggle to protect the cargo ships that are valiantly trying to get supplies through. Oh, and we cannot forget the need to defend your port city from bombardment from sea. Any questions? Good, you ...
Fast forward 20 years. Chris, I mean Darrel is gone, [his nickname was Chris] but I still think of him. Usually two times a year. Memorial Day and Veterans Day and the month of December; the anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor.Get...
Diesel-powered submarines had to surface from time to time to recharge their batteries. The submarine B-59 came up in the middle of the night to perform this task, and that’s where our story takes a grim turn. Bettmann//Getty Images Hello, submarine: A Soviet a...