These days magnets are made artificially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use. One of the most common magnets - the bar magnet - is a long, rectangular bar of uniform cross-section that attracts pieces of ferrous objects. The magnetic compass needle is also commonly used. The ...
Question:I am currently using a machine I purchased used and to which have added external hard drives. My wife and I play a lot of games that I download to my external hard drives. I have a couple of old computers which have died. Can I remove the hard drives from these two old/bro...
Photo: Magnets—the technology behind hard drives really is this simple!Magnetism has another very important use. Suppose you need to leave a message for a friend and all you have is a magnet and an unmagnetized iron nail. Suppose the message is a very simple one: either you will see ...
Don't Toss That Joe! Use Diluted Coffee to Fertilize Plants 'Roly-poly' Bugs Are Great Garden Composters How 'Lasagna Gardening' Helps Create Healthy Soil How Composting Works Companion Planting: The Do's and Don'ts of Growing Plants Together ...
This is why magnets can sometimes wreak havoc on the memories of these devices. You may use electromagnetism every day if you charge a phone or tablet wirelessly. The charging pad creates a magnetic field. Your phone has an antenna that syncs with the charger, allowing a current to flow. ...
How Car Computers Work How does a speedometer in an airplane work? How Magnets Work Sources “100 Years of Speedometers — The History of Driver Information,” November 7, 2002. Found online at: “Automating Speedo...
As physicists say, you have to "do work" to climb a ladder (work against the force of gravity) and use energy. The energy you use isn't lost, but stored by your body as gravitational potential energy, which you could use to do other things (whizzing down a slide back to ground ...
There's also the hybrid approach. You can own multiple computers and use them for whatever needs they best serve. Whatever the case, there is no wrong answer. Buy what you need and use what gets your work done. If that's a 13-inch iPad Pro, then that's great — welcome toSteve Jo...
a microphone is a device that converts sound waves into an electrical signal. it allows you to capture audio and transmit it to various devices, such as computers, amplifiers, or recording equipment. how does a microphone work? a microphone consists of a diaphragm, a coil or capacitor, and...
theMicrosoftBASIC programming language. For much of the 1980s, IBM was synonymous with personal computers. You might say you own an IBM the same way you'd talk about owning a Windows PC nowadays. In fact, the old IBM PC is an ancestor to the Windows-based computers used by millions of...