In between rainfalls, which occur mainly in the winter, much of California gets very little rain. While this cycle has been the norm, dry spells are getting longer and hotter. When the rains do come, they dump more water in fewer days than they used to. Research indicates that these ...
June's full moon is commonly known as the strawberry moon, a name that comes from the Algonquin Native American tribe in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada and refers to the region's strawberry harvesting season (not the moon's actual hue). ...
What about water vapour as a negative feedback, due to the reflecton ofsolar radiationaway from the Earth by clouds? Surely if water vapour levels in theatmosphereincrease then there is a greater tendency for clouds to form, reflecting more radiation away from the earth. ...
10:19AM clouds, pause, engage The All Blacks get a weather update ahead of tonight's international As the official weather forecaster to the All Blacks and other national teams, MetService provides the New Zealand Rugby Union with 24/7 access to its MetConnect weather information portal, plus...