Protein in our diets comes from both animal and vegetable sources. Most animal sources (meat, milk, eggs) provide what's called "complete protein", meaning that they contain all of the essential amino acids. Vegetable sources usually are low on or missing certain essential amino acids. For ex...
Zhao H, Ito Y, Chappel J, Andrews N, Ross FP, Teitelbaum SL. How do bone cells secrete proteins? Adv Exp Med Biol. 2010;658:105-9.Zhao, H., et al. 2010. How do bone cells secrete proteins? Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 658:105-109....
Module1:Introduction to 6.How cells make proteins and know what proteins to make 1播放 Module1:Introduction to Proteins and mRNAs:4.Protein structure 0播放 Module1:Introduction to Proteins and 3.Proteins and their roles in human health 0播放 Module1:Introduction to Proteins and mRNAs:5.mRNA st...
How do cells use energy? Select all that apply a. active transport ATP b. hydrolysis c. biosynthesis of more complex molecules d. D1 muscle contraction Active/Passive Processes in the Body: There are numerous processes that oc...
Putting Proteolysis to Work How do cells use proteolysis to control their growth? One answer to this question has already been provided: by regulating the proteins that control cell cycle progression. But a more funda- mental answer to this question needs to address exactly how the regulation of...
How do cells use food?Question:How do cells use food?Adenosine TriphosphateAdensoine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy unit used by cells. When the cell needs energy, it removes one of the three phosphates off of ATP, making am molecule called adenosine diphosphate (ADP). In order to generat...
Scientists at the EMBL in Grenoble, France, were the first to determine the structure of a ribosome-protein complex involved in carrying nascent proteins out of the cell. Their work, published today in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, could increase understanding of illnesses such as cystic...
How do cells transport small, lipid-soluble molecules across the cell membrane? How do transport proteins contribute to cell functions? Why is it important for cells to be able to use both active and passive transport to transport molecules across the cell membrane?
The proteins in your body are constantly repaired and replaced. That means you need to keep eating foods with protein, containing essential amino acids, to keep your body working as it should. Protein is especially crucial when the body is growing or has extra work to do, such as during ch...
A happy cell is a balanced cell, but for every stupendously twisted protein it creates, it must tear the old ones asunder. That means untangling a convoluted pretzel-like mass for recycling. Cdc48 plays a critical role in unraveling the spent proteins.