How do ionic bonds form? Explain how the structure of the carbon atom affects the type of bonds it forms. How are covalent bonds formed? How does the number of atoms change during a chemical reaction? In a molecule with an ionic bond, how can you tell which atoms gain or lo...
Write the chemical formula for Cl^- forms with Fe^{+3} How to write the molecular formula of a compound. How does the number of atoms change during a chemical reaction? How do you determine the correct number of subscripts for elements in looking at the periodic table?
During this reaction, the reddish-orange dichromate ion changes color to the green chromium ion when it reacts with the alcohol; the degree of the color change is directly related to the level of alcohol in the expelled air. To determine the amount of alcohol in that air, the reacted mixt...
Through isotope-labeling with D, we also show the generation and absorption of D during corrosion11. This effect can become essential not only for the corrosion process itself but also for the associated change in the mechanical response of the corroded material, namely, through H-related embrittl...
This theory predicts how the bond lengths and angles between individual atoms should change while electrons shift position, and what intermediate structures it should adopt. Now, using ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy facilities at Berkeley Lab's Chemical Sciences Division, Ridente and his colleagues ...
The Aufbau principle works well for most elements, but there are some exceptions where electrons do not fill orbitals according to their energy levels. These exceptions occur because some atoms are more stable when they have half-filled or fully-filled subshells, especially in the d and f block...
When these photons strike a metal surface, they act like billiard balls, transferring their energy to electrons, which become dislodged from their "parent" atoms. Once freed, the electrons move along the metal or get ejected from the surface. The particle theory of light had returned -- with...
Space stations are a place to do cutting edge scientific research in an environment that cannot be matched on Earth. For example, gravity alters the way that atoms come together to form crystals. In microgravity, near-perfect crystals can be formed. Such crystals can yield better semi-conductors...
How do you use coefficients when balancing equations? Can chemical reactions be reversed? How do you write half reactions? How does mass change during a chemical reaction? Balance the following reaction using any method. Show work. How to tell if a reaction is redox ...
How do the sizes of atoms change as we move from left to right across a row in the periodic table?Atomic Mass:Each element on the periodic table of elements has a different atomic mass. The atomic mass is determined by the average mass of all the atoms ...