it's not so different from fluid mechanics," Levitov says. The way fluids move can be calculated "with very little knowledge of how individual atoms of the liquid interact. We don't care that much" about the individual motions; it's the collective behavior that matters...
All atoms have moving electric charges. Then, why aren't all materials magnetic? A solid can be defined as a material that can be bent and will resist bending. Explain how these properties relate to the binding of atoms in a solid but do not apply to a liquid. ...
What kind(s) of particles make up (a) gaseous compounds, (b) liquid compounds, and (c) solid compounds? Describe what causes pressure in gases in terms of the particles in the gas. Why does the viscosity of gases increase with temperature? Why do real gases behave like ideal gases at ...
In practice, nuclear power plants don't work by obliterating atoms completely; instead, they split very large atoms into smaller, more tightly bound, more stable atoms. That releases energy in the process—energy we can harness. According to a basic rule of physics called the law of ...
If you swapped your eyes for a couple of the world's most powerful microscopes, you'd be able to see things 100 million times smaller: bacteria, viruses, molecules—even the atoms in crystals would be clearly visible to you!Ordinary optical microscopes (light-based microscopes), like the ...
Predicting the macroscopic properties of materials is an interesting puzzle in the field of materials physics and chemistry. The thermal expansion of several types of metastable liquid metals can be predicted by examining just one thousand atoms of each metal, report scientists in the northwestern ...
How Does a Lemon Battery Produce Electricity? A lemon battery is a type of battery that you can make at home using a lemon and some simple materials. It works through a process called electrolysis. The lemon juice acts as an electrolyte, which is a liquid that can conduct electricity. Also...
Wherever a photon of light hits, electrons are emitted from the photoconductive atoms in the drum and neutralize the positive charges above. Dark areas on the original (such as pictures or text) do not reflect light onto the drum, leaving regions of positive charges on the drum's surface....
Then, through a process similar to a neon sign, they collide with the atoms and molecules of Earth’s atmosphere to create the light we call the aurora. Not all solar storms produce aurora. Only if the solar storm’s magnetic field couples with Earth’s magnetic field do we have a ...
The alcohol found in alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol (ethanol). The molecular structure of ethanol looks like this: where C is carbon, H is hydrogen, O is oxygen and each hyphen is a chemical bond between the atoms. For clarity, the bonds of the three hydrogen atoms to the left car...