. LeMay did not see any military advantage for the U.S. to sign such a treaty. He doubted the countries would come to an agreement and felt vindicated when the talks deadlocked by the end of the summer. The agreement was ultimately signed the following spring, though, and remains one of...
All you need to know is everything is now officially correct above if you want to watch the Marvel movies in chronological order. We should warn you, however: Marvel doesn't always take the best care with its timeline. As such, our own workings out takes into account Marvel's official ...
the renminbi became officially a global reserve currency. But progress has been glacial. In Q2, the RMB’s share of global reserve currencies (short red line near the bottom) remained flat at 2.0% compared to Q1. It is a tad ahead of the Canadian...
BBC watch, Honest Reporting, UK Media Watch, Camera – these are all organisations set up to tackle misinformation – in the understanding that bias or non-factual articles in newspapers influence readers. CIF Watch was originally set up just to monitor the Guardian. How many readers did the G...
How did this Jewish Lady Rosenblatt say? “The white race is the cancer of mankind.” I think the white race knows who represents the cancer, but everybody knows also when the cancer has got out of control the body it has befallen will die! kevin November 4, 2010 @ 8:02 am Our...
It’s strange that he didn’t torture and work her to death the way he did with 100 million other Russians, ( yes, some sources give this number. The overall prewar population was 190 million minus the additional 27 million of ww2 dead which left about 63 million alive at the end of ...
Having said what you have, I find it interesting indeed that you come over here and take up RZN bandwidth to post off topic material on the website of a man you said “did not deserve to fool you twice.” It’s downright humorous that DWC, mighty warrior against the Jews, quotes Jew...