How did World War 1 affect factories, farms, mines, and other means of production?World War One: Production:World War One was fought in Europe from 1914 to 1918. It was a world war in the sense of the major European powers and their colonies using their resources to f...
How did the geography of Europe change after WWI? How did the Industrial Revolution change warfare in WW1? How did World War I change the lives of American women? How did the Holocaust affect Germany? How did nationalism contribute to World War II?
Answer and Explanation: There are many ways to analyze the change in global conflicts from 1800 to today. One of the most important shifts is the professionalization of the... Learn more about this topic: Economic Causes & Impact of War ...
“I had a continuing, smouldering fury about the treatment of Jews in Germany. I saw what the depression was doing to my students… And through them, I began to understand how deeply political and economic events could affect men’s lives. I began to feel the need to participate more...
” said President Trump in his April 7th Coronavirus briefing regarding the WHO’s inactions in the early months of COVID-19. “They missed the call. They should have called it months earlier. They would have known. They should have known. And they probably did know. So we will be ...
“define” the Oklahoma event as lone wolf terrorism, some other don’t. But, that aside I think Breiviks terror and McVeigh ditto is more alike than say any of them and WTC. Not only because of the size of the group but also how the act affect us western citizens and government ...