Third, as mentioned above, the results showed that the cause motivation in the proactive motivation model can enhance energy motivation, but the study did not explore the internal logic of this process in detail. This effect should be repeated in future studies to test whether it is universal a...
3). Whilst net error generally did not vary strongly with activity level (of which VeDBA is a proxy) for lions, the variance was markedly higher at both high and low VeDBA values, indicating that correcting for VP error during inactivity may be just as important as the initial track-...
How do contraindications to non-opioid analgesics and opioids affect the likelihood that patients with back pain diagnoses in the primary care setting receive an opioid prescription? An observational cross-sectional studyOpioidsBack painBenzodiazepines...
Surprisingly, providing detailed ingredient information did not improve evaluator consistency nor did it affect evaluator confidence levels. The latter were high or very high for most of the assignments, whether or not ingredient information was present. This result suggests that evaluators relied on the...
Occasionally, you may end up with skills that don’t suit your playstyle, which can negatively affect your performance during gameplay. That said, such mistakes are more common than you might think. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid being stuck with ineffective skills. Resetting passives in...
(Actually it's how I did make the argument in an email to him this morning, so that's not a coincidence!)I just don't see how "conservative assumptions" can reject that argument. Elliot (9y, via fb): This sort of thing is exactly why I am not a utilitarian, though David Chudz...
3 These economic factors can induce mental health problems in previously healthy people and negatively affect those with pre-existing mental disorders. The economic breakdown that is likely to occur in the aftermath of the pandemic could exacerbate health-care disparities and will probably ...
24.Harmonious society What a good boy! Child as he is, he set up a good example to us. Everyone has the responsibility to keep our environment clean. If everyone does as Xiao Ming did, we can imagine how harmonious the society will be. Compared with the whole society, a tiny person ...
How- or forms (guinea or guinea-caudatum) and their pollen is ever, flowering phenology did not constitute a biological perhaps less competitive than that of za'toota on maternal barrier to pollen exchange in our study. A field trial plants of the latter landrace. In a previous study, we ...
272 17 How will the almost ubiquitous expression of some ion channels affect their potential as therapeutic targets? 273 18 What would you describe as the major concerns surrounding the development of ion channel-targeting therapies? 275 19 What outstanding questions in ion channel research are ...