Twice. But the castle remained the seat of power with the President of the Republic living there. The President also had sycophants. Lots of them. Unlike the Royal Families of old, he had to pay his employees. And seldom if ever did the President hold a party at the Castle to thank ...
BILL MOYERS:You write about how the massacre of Native Americans at Wounded Knee in 1890, in South Dakota, was an atrocity brought on by politics. And that it played into the use of politics to reimpose inequality, and the use of force for malicious purposes. Wounded Knee (LOC) HEAT...
The UN Secretary-General ignited a storm in Israel on Tuesday when, while condemning the Hamas attacks – and Israel’s response – he said: “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamasdid not happen in a vacuum” adding that “the Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 ...