“当地时间3月24日,比尔盖茨 做客TED Connects节目,回答与#新*冠*肺*炎#有关的问题。在一个小时的直播中,盖茨围绕有效诊疗工具及疫苗的开发、国际合作抗击疫情的必要性、以及盖茨基金会如何帮助应对此次疫情等话题分享了信息和见解。#盖茨谈新*冠# “(转自盖茨基金会官微)盖茨2015年曾在TED做题为“应对下一次...
In some cases, decision-making about COVID-19 restrictions has largely been in local hands to respond more quickly and in a tailored way. In most states, school districts have made the bulk of decisions about whether to hold in-person classes for K-12 students or keep their classes online....
https://ed.ted.com/ 传统疫苗的研发需要漫长的时间,新冠疫苗为何在短短一年之内就能问世?其背后的秘诀就在于一项已研究了数十年的医学技术——信使核糖核酸。它究竟是何方神圣?它的防疫原理又是什么?来本片中寻找答案吧~~请务必记住:疫苗是拯救生命的,只有恐惧才会危及生命!【p.s.】校对并且附加了英语字幕,...
Japanearly stage of pandemiclife-oriented approachWith the aim of urgently providing policymakers with immediate scientific evidence about how to better inform the public about fighting against COVID-19, the auSocial Science Electronic Publishing
Reference: “The European Union and Public Health Emergencies: Expert Opinions on the Management of the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Suggestions for Future Emergencies” by Marie Gontariuk, Thomas Krafft, Cassandra Rehbock, David Townend, Loth Van der Auwermeulen and ...
GLOBALink | How U.S. flounders in COVID-19 response A study by a U.S. media outlet recently put America on top of a COVID-19 resilience ranking. However, experts say, the real situation is just the otherwise. #GLOBALink Produced by Xinhua Global Service...
How did you learn the facts about COVID-19 and the coronavirus (冠状病毒)that caused it?You probably read newspaper articles,searched for information on the internet and listened to online reports.These ways,however,may not work well for children younger than you. Some medical researchers in Me...
呼吁大家远离病毒,保持健康。How to Protect Ourselves from COVD-19The broke-out of COVID-19 has infl
American Studies and Center for Arms Control and International Security at the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), said that it is a fact that the COVID-19 pandemic may have more impact on US-China relations due to the disrupted supply chain, compared to the effects of the ...