The jolts and shakes of hand-held footage work well for certain scenes -- an unsettling chase in a horror movie (think "Evil Dead") or a bare-bones documentary, and some directors intentionally employ shaky cam, as "The Blair Witch Project" and "Cloverfield" did. But for the most part...
when audio equipment was equally cumbersome, there was no obvious, immediate reason to shrink "sound reproducing machines" down to the size of your ear. So how and why did headphones and earbuds come about?
either an even better trick ending will come to me, which means my script just got even better, or i’ll learn what the real bones of the script are, what the real relationships are. and then it becomes easier to work back into a rewrite, like a surgeon with a scalpel, asking “...
“How did you do it, Dad? How have you 21 not to take a drink for almost 20 years?” It took me almost 20 years to have the 22 to even ask my father this very 23 question. When Dad first 24 drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles 25 he got into a situation that...
And then having a kid, and my own kid discovering the show — when I never sat my kid down and said, “Guess what we’re going to watch?!”— that was a whole new chapter for me of returning to watching something I did 20 years ago. And that’s why I’m saying it’s the ...
"The body came in, we shot an X-ray through the body bag, we took the body out of the body bag, we did the autopsy and we found all the bullets except for one — couldn't find it. Well, it was still in the body bag. It was actually through and underneath the body. So [on...
A warm-up massage for dogs is ideal for active pets that will be engaged in a walking or playing activity. This mobilizes and activates their muscles and bones, as well as improves their vigor to get the most out of the activity. Just like humans who prepare for a specific exercise routi...
These k'uei were created when a person's p'o (lower spirit) did not pass onto the afterlife at death, usually because of bad deeds during life. The p'o, angered by its horrible fate, would reanimate the body and attack the living at night. One particularly vicious sort of k'uei, ...
“Twisted Sister wasn’t going for a kids' crowd either,” he explained. “We were playing fucking biker bars. It was like I was fighting for my life every night. It wasn’t about little kids -- even though little kids wound up getting into what we did. The same was true for Pee...
“Twisted Sister wasn’t going for a kids' crowd either,” he explained. “We were playing fucking biker bars. It was like I was fighting for my life every night. It wasn’t about little kids -- even though little kids wound up getting into what we did. The same was true for Pee...