P166How did Polynesian wayfinders navigate the Pacific Ocean - Alan Tamayose and Sha 05:32 P167How do hard drives work - Kanawat Senanan 05:12 P168The history of the world according to cats - Eva-Maria Geigl 04:35 P169How to biohack your cells to fight cancer - Greg Foot 08:01 ...
How Did That Happen? 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 本书中主要探讨的是如何积极、有效地实行个人问责制,主要从两个方向入手:外环——建立目标,内环——目标未能实现时该如何处理。 其中外环通过四个步骤进行:形成(form) -> 沟通(communicate) -> 排列(align) -> 审查(inspect),继而循环进行。 内环中的前两...
How did the Olmecs' demise happen? How did the Crusades effect the plague? How did the dancing plague end? How did Pompey die? How was the Antonine Plague treated? How did the Inquisition end? How was the Black Death eradicated?
How did the Reign of Terror end? How did the Agricultural Revolution begin in the Americas? How did the Trail of Tears start? How did the War on Terror end? How did the Sand Creek Massacre start? How did the Battle of Beaver Dams happen?
The Great Plague killed up to a fifth of London's population, but the disease did not spread around the world. In other words, it didn't escalate from an epidemic to a pandemic. During each of these epidemics, no one knew what caused the disease or how it spread. During the Black ...
Where did the Grim Reaper come from? Stories of the Grim Reaper first appeared in 14th-century Europe during a time when the continent was going through the world's worst pandemic, the Black Death. Is the Grim Reaper an angel? The Grim Reaper is also called the Angel of Death. However...
The Name Game So, how did the plant end up with the intriguing name of Venus flytrap? It's not too hard to imagine how "flytrap" might relate to its insect-catching abilities, but "Venus" is less clear-cut. According to theInternational Carnivorous Plant Society, the origin of the name...
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Well, the rogue did, but that’s because the player hates me IRL (he’s the person my inevitable conflict thread was about). The swashbuckler’s player almost started crying. And then we switched to the portion of the party that was pursuing a hag coven. I sat back and actually smiled...
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