The bubonic plague, which originated in China in the 14th century, was extremely contagious. It was mostly transmitted by fleas and small animals like rats, and it quickly spread to Europe from China from trading ships that carried the infected fleas and rats....
How Did The Black Death Affect Europeans The black death affected the Europeans in numerous ways, short and long term effects were both seen. A short term effect of the the plague was that when the black death pandemic spread through Europe commerce and trade practically stopped and there was...
How did the Crusades affect Europe religiously?The Crusades:The Crusades helped create an economic revolution in Europe. The growth the cites and towns helped to stabilize the continent, seeing the rise of the populations and technological growth....
In the late 1920s, northern China witnessed an extreme drought, however, the government had done little to deal with it, causing large losses at the time. This extreme drought event can be served as a case study of the social impact of drought. We collected newspaper records during the ...
First, to be certain that the infection is actually ringworm and not something else, you should check with your doctor for a confirmed diagnosis. Although ringworm can affect different areas of the body, some of the treatments are similar because it's all the same type of fungus. Your ...
How did humans interact with and influence their environment, and conversely, how did the environment affect humans? Throughout the unit humans were affected by and affected the environment in trade, plague, agriculture,animals, and much more. One of the major elements of civilization in this ...
Hello. I wanted to book Mekong, for which you show a photo in the article … as I like the big bus and they had some timing more suitable for me … but I could not complete my booking on their website. I did some research, it seems they don’t offer the service anymore or eve...
Venus flytraps evolved from simpler carnivorous plants about65 million yearsago, and the fossil record suggests their ancestors were much more widespread, especially in Europe. The Name Game So, how did the plant end up with the intriguing name of Venus flytrap? It's not too hard to imagine...
In the 12th and 13th centuries, the era of the plague killed an estimated 20 to 30 million people in Europe alone. Some cities were almost completely wiped out [source: AVMA, Knox]. Historians suspect an earlier plague that occurred in the 5th century (the Plague of Justinian) may have ...
How Mongol Empire affected Europe? How did the Peloponnesian War affect material culture? How did the Iranian Revolution affect the United States? How has the Iranian Revolution expanded? How did the Ottoman Empire affect the world? How did the geography of Central Asia have an impact on its ...