In this sense, it is known that in the 14th century the fondness of the vizier Ali Pacha for beautiful young boys, raised the social status of these pages/servants, who, when turned into lovers, could aspire to be rewarded with positions in the administration of the empire. Thus, already...
Even today I find one of the happiest sounds to be the sound of MREs raining on a hard surface. I did not know the technical details (and still don’t) of how exactly that worked, but most of the things that were dropped would break apart in the air, so on the ground, it would ...
With the unexpected shattering of the Persian Empire by Alexander, his death in 323 BC and the subsequent devolution of the Macedonian Empire into the Diadochi (successors) states, tremendous energy was released from the eastern Mediterranean to the Indus Valley and north into Central Asia, with ...
⁷The Macedonian king wasalso presented as speakingthe languageofthe Homeric heroes,while one furthertoposwas the epic battle descriptions, which were aimed at foregroundingtheking’sbravery and military skills.⁸Theauthors just cited alreadyreveal that the connection of Alexander with theHomeric ...